Jack Daniels Anger Management Cure

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driftwood blue
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Jack Daniels Anger Management Cure

Postby driftwood blue » Thu Jul 04, 2019 12:26 pm

A woman goes to a counselor, worried about her husband’s temper.
The counselor asks, "What's the problem?
The woman says, "I don't know what to do. Every day my husband loses his temper for no reason. It scares me.”
The Counselor says, "I have a cure for that. When it seems your husband is getting angry, take a double shot of Jack Daniel's bourbon and swish it in your mouth. Swish and swish, but don't swallow it until he either leaves the room or calms down.
Two weeks later, she goes back to the counselor, looking fresh and rebo She tells the counselor, "That was a brilliant idea. Every time my husband started to get angry, I swished the Jack Daniels and he would start to calm down.? It was amazing! ? What is it about Jack Daniels that makes it work like that?
The counselor said, "The Jack Daniel's does nothing. Keeping your mouth shut is the trick.

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