Donnelly for Ca. Senate 2015

ANTI's, PETA, HSUS & other Issues affecting Houndsmen
Dale T
Open Mouth
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Donnelly for Ca. Senate 2015

Postby Dale T » Fri Dec 05, 2014 3:24 pm

Donnelly for Senate 2015

December 2, 2014
Dear Friends and Fellow Sportsmen and Women;
I am sending you this letter in the hopes we can unite together and work to get Tim Donnelly elected to the California State Senate. Tim is intending to announce his desire to run for the senate seat in district 21 vacated by Senator Steven Knight who will be going to Washington D.C. There will be a special election which will officially start in January 2015, with the vote being held in March.
It is extremely important that all of us with a common goal of protecting our hunting, fishing and second amendment rights stand behind this wonderful patriot. My husband and I have made more trips to our capitol to fight the corruption in those hallowed halls than we can count, with this being said I know firsthand the need to unite together, we simply are to small as individual organization’s to ever be able to beat such large, organized and HEAVILY funded enemies like HSUS, Audubon society, SPCA, Bear League, PETA and Project Coyote, etc, etc. on our own, but united we can and will!!!! These anti-sportsmen and anti-freedom organizations are enemies of anyone who enjoys the outdoors way of life, not only are they working to stop hunting and fishing they are closing our forests, waging war on the cattle ranchers, horse show enthusiast, rodeos, circus’s, the anti-everything list seems endless. If you participate in any of these and many more activities you have a bull’s eye on your foreheads.
I know most of us, my husband and I included, do not know the first thing about the political arena and feel helpless and ask ourselves “What can I do? I’m just one voice out of so many” I have a very easy answer to our question, We can UNITE all of our organization’s together making us a louder and stronger voice as a whole and get Tim back in office. Tim’s beliefs are so closely intertwined with sportsmen and women alike, he believes in our personal freedom’s, the second amendment and isn’t afraid to fight anyone who stands in the way of any of these important issues as our ALLY. You wouldn’t think that this is rare, but believe me within our corridors and offices at OUR state capitol, legislators like Tim are rarer to find than a California condor who ACTUALLY died of lead poisoning from lead shot!
Tim stood up for the houndsmen and women statewide before he knew who or what we were and tried to stop SB 1221 just out of principle. With the current climate there at the capitol it definitely wasn’t the popular or the politically correct decision, but he stepped up and made it regardless of what the political consequences were to him personally. While the houndsmen and women have lost our rights to hunt with dogs, we don’t want to see the same thing happen to any other outdoor organization or group in our state. We need to get legislators in office who believe as we do and to change the climate at OUR capitol... Believe me when I say your neck will be on the chopping block one day soon if HSUS has their way, when this happens you will be glad you have someone like Tim watching out for you and your freedoms.
I am asking for two favors (1) Talk to any organizations you are involved with and ask them to verbally endorse Tim, AND, (2) this is the most crucial part of my request please follow up with a monetary donation to his campaign. This second request is vitally important to him at this time, while Tim is very well respected and liked in this district, the opposition (the democratic party) is pulling out all the stops to try to keep him out, now is our time to have his back as he has had ours! Although I know most of us are not in his district, when he is in office his votes and legislation has an effect on the entire state. The other republicans at the capitol need him as much as we do.
Thank you in advance for any help you can give us by getting this fine man back in office!!
Cindy and Dale Tobiassen
Please make checks payable to : Donnelly for Senate 2015
Ignorance and not getting involved is the biggest enemy to a Houndsmen!

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