Not sure if this is the best place to put this but here goes, we would apprecaite all of yalls support, and if you wantto know more about us, and how to join us plese visit, we also have a message forum where we would be happy to answer any questions.
I am here to fill you all in on some happenings with LSWDA!!! We have been VERY busy!!!
Oh my...where to start....where to start!!!
LSWDA still has one Membership Campaign running through December 31, 2011. It is a Lifetime membership with a 1 year dual membership into RPOA for $150.00
We have started a photo contest for a 2012 LSWDA Working Dog Calendar. You can submit photos thru the website or you may send them to my personal email This Contest will run from now through September 30, 2011. Check it out on the main page of our website
We have been in the works of getting an AKC sanctioned Coon Nite Hunt and Bench Show up and running in May or June. We already have the sanctioning by AKC, $500 added money, and a Master of Hounds judge willing to donate his services!! We are also going to provide a non-sanctioned hunt for grade dogs as well. If any of you would be interested in helping us out, please let me know!! Either post up on LSWDA or email me personally(email above )
Along with all of this going on, we are scheduling our annual meeting and election to happen the first weekend of March in Hallettsville during the HFH. Time and place to be announced soon. A Ballot will go out to all paid members via email as well as be on our LSWDA Business board for all paid members. a $25 donation will get you a year's membership!!
LSWDA Charter Member Lance Falzone, catchrcall, who is deployed in Iraq on a second tour - has been hard at work on writing a new Bill proposal for this year's Legislative session that we at LSWDA feel will help out working dogs and their owners tremendously against all the Anti-led Pet Bills. He has introduced it to District 54's State Rep. Jimmie Don Aycock in hopes that they may sponsor it and get it read on the floor this Legislative Session. LSWDA is ona massive push to get this Proposed Bill to a multitude of State Representatives so that someone may pick it up, sponsor it, and hopefully move it through into LAW. The more that push it, the more opportunity it could be sponsored. We need your help!!!
The website will have the Proposed Bill, "The Falzone/LSWDA Working Dog Preservation Bill" up hopefully this afternoon for your viewing and using purposes. LSWDA will also be providing a form letter to accompany the Bill Proposal as well as a link on how to find your State Representative. We want to make this an easy process for everyone!!
Here's a look at the "Falzone/LSWDA Working Dog Preservation Bill":
By:________________________ ____.B. NO. ________
relating to the classification and care of working dogs
SECTION 1. DEFINITION. In this Act a “working dog” means:
(1)A dog used primarily for the purpose of droving, tending, locating, working, or protecting
stock to include domestic and feral swine and exotics.
(2)A dog used for police, military, or search and rescue purposes.
(3)A dog used as a service or assistance animal.
(4)A dog used to locate, retrieve, or capture an animal, or used in the recovery of wounded animals.
(5)A dog that is in training for any of the above purposes.
(6)The definition does not rely upon where the dog lives, but its primary use.
SECTION 2. A dog that is defined as a working dog will be considered a livestock animal and be exempt from laws intended to apply to pets.
(2) A working dog will not be subject to laws;
(a) Requiring mandatory spay or neuter
(b) Restricting or requiring permits for the number of animals an owner may possess regardless of reproductive status
(c) Restrict how the dog may be housed
(d) Requiring additional insurance due to weight, breed, sex, or reproductive status of the dog
(e) Restricting breeds that may be kept by the owner
SECTION 3. Section 42.09, Penal Code applies to the care of working dogs
SECTION 4. This act takes effect September 1, 2011
Lone Star Working Dog Association
Lone Star Working Dog Association
Postby uglydog » Wed Feb 09, 2011 8:12 pm
Out to preserve and protect the rights of working dogs
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