Upcoming UKC Nite Hunts / Field Trials
**March UKC Nite Hunt / Bench Show**
Friday, March 15th:
UKC Nite Hunt 7:00 PM $20 Entry
Saturday, March 16th:
UKC Nite Hunt 7:00 PM $20 Entry
UKC Bench Show 5:00 PM $15 Entry
**April UKC Nite Hunt, Bench Show, Field Trial**
Friday, April 12th:
UKC RQE Qualifying Slam NH 8:00 PM $30 Entry
UKC Bench Show 6:00 PM $20 Entry
Saturday, April 13th:
UKC RQE Qualifying Slam NH 6:00 PM $30 Entry
UKC Bench Show 12:00 AM $20 Entry
Club Field Trial 10:00 AM
***Hunts will pay back money !***
All events will be held at the pond on the NW side of the Rio Grande bridge in Los Lunas (Hwy 6). Gate will be open drive 1 mile north will be posted. Any questions call hunt master Fred Moore 505-934-5858.
NM Houndsmen's Assoc. UKC Spring Nite Hunts
Re: NM Houndsmen's Assoc. UKC Spring Nite Hunts
Next hunt April 12th and 13th
Re: NM Houndsmen's Assoc. UKC Spring Nite Hunts
were do most of ur hunts take place
Re: NM Houndsmen's Assoc. UKC Spring Nite Hunts
how does the hole traiels work theres a couple of people here interested in trying it out
Re: NM Houndsmen's Assoc. UKC Spring Nite Hunts
Drag race,treeing contest
Re: NM Houndsmen's Assoc. UKC Spring Nite Hunts
when do u hold ur first hunt whats the schdual and what are the rules how many houndsmens do u all have the hunts
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